How to Audit Your Local Voter Rolls
Keeping Government Accountable
Part 2 Robert's Rules of Order
National Day of Action
I was told by Mike Lindell that there is a waiting list for the WMD for when the funds are available for production. I'd like to be put on the list. Is there any way to email COA so I can get put on the list?
Supporters need much more data on the Wi-Fi Monitoring Devices (WMD) if we are to convince our elected officials to use or support our use of them! Basics like specs, testing, calibration, employment of, chain of custody, use of data for evidence, and more. Anyone know of any sources to get some clarity on the WMDs?
One of our other State leaders suggested I make contact with you guys lets talk!
Anyone in the Birmingham Area? I chair this group and am working with a number of orther groups to try and network Conservatives and groups in Alabama. Us
Does anyone know when and how we can obtain the internet detection device discussed at the summit?